Girlfriend's Mother of Kasino Warkop DKI Advise Him to Study Hard
When he was still a student at the University of Indonesia (UI), Kasino Hadiwibowo or known by his stage name Kasino was active in various activities such as camping arts and field trips. His skills in comedy and singing have always made Kasino stand out in the association of fellow students. In 1974, Kasino sat at level IV of the UI Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. It was then that he first met a new student at the preparatory level of the same faculty. Her name is Amarminni or her nickname is Mieke, the only daughter of dr. K. Makes. At that time he was 26 years old and Mieke was 21 years old. A year later, Kasino became close and Kasino also dared to come to the house of the girl who was of Balinese and Javanese blood. When he often visits his lover's house, his mother Mieke's lover asks him to study hard so that he can graduate quickly. In addition, Mieke's mother also advised to come often. This is where the green light for Kasino started.
He didn't waste the opportunity. Since then he has come almost every day. Mieke's parents also understand and Kasino is serious about making Mieke his life partner. Even though he hasn't finished college yet, Kasino dares to get married. To be precise, on April 30, 1976, Kasino and Mieke got married. At that time, Kasino was already active as a radio broadcaster for Prambors and his colleagues managed the "Warung Kopi" program. After getting married, Kasino still continued his studies. He was also entrusted with the management of his father-in-law's specialist clinic in Rawamangun, while Mike immediately quit his studies. But because of Kasino's busy schedule in college and the large number of orders for comedy with "Warkop Prambors", Kasino was forced to resign from his duties at a specialist clinic. He was only able to work for 1.5 years. Kasino finally finished college in 1978. In that year the name "Warkop Prambors" began to skyrocket. He is from Gombong, Central Java. Because his parents moved frequently, Kasino finished his schooling in several cities. Such as elementary school in Bandung, junior high school in Jakarta and high school in Cirebon. The following is a portrait of Kasino family in 1986. At that time, Kasino and Mieke lived on Jalan Kayu Putih, East Jakarta. They were blessed with the only daughter who was then 10 years old. Their daughter's name is Hanna Sukmaningsih.
Sinar Harapan, 27 July 1986 Page 8 Columns 7-9. Collection of Rare Newspaper
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